Graphic design needs

As we approach the first major commit – very preliminary – of the key build scripts for the system… it’s time to start ramping up some graphical design work.

This includes:

  • Logo work
  • XFCE / XFWM theme work
  • GTK theme work
  • Wallpaper & Boot Screen work
  • Icon work

There is, quite frankly, a lot to do. And none of it needs to be done in any particular order.

The general logo design is pretty well set – but we can tweak it and build on it (like what Duncan did in this rendering).

If you have interest in working in any of these areas, drop a reply here, in this thread. I’ll be posting specific topics for us to noddle on in the days ahead (such as zeroing in on specific widget and windowing styles for the default theme)… so keep an eye on this area of the forum.


When you say wallpaper design, I assume you’re looking for photos to include? What exactly did you have in mind? Nerdy nostalgia kind of things? Nature? Anything and everything? Back after high school my step-dad ran a photography business and I was his backup/candid shot photographer so I’m happy to help with this if I can.

How do you want us to go about submitting them?

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Photography. Vector and Bitmap designs. At this point simply gearing up to cultivate a collection of good, nerdy wallpaper to included.

We’ll create a repository for them on GitLab. But, for the moment, simply posting design ideas to this forum works.

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Just as a place to start… You could use this and change the text to read

Although I do believe computer to be completely redundant, and predict it will be dropped eventually…

And if we could put Lunduke (assuming that is him/you) in a blue penguin costume ala mario, that would be a great starting point, leveraging all the brand assets you have already.

omg it’s you almost


Sounds like a plan. I’ll see what I can do.

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Ugh, sorry. I am still not used to Discourse. I accidentally pressed the delete button on my post. Here is what it said:

Photography is a hobby of mine. I would be happy to contribute a few photos licensed under Creative Commons.

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