The name needs pizzazz

I signed up as a lifetime member in order to support The Lunduke, and specifically this project.

A good name is CRITICAL to the success of this project. So I’m gonna throw my very limited skills into the mix. Let’s see how wrong the internet thinks I am.

I do believe, the best name for this OS is: Lunnix

Ok, yes, there are problems with this name.

  1. The OS is not based on the Linux kernal (right?). So why name it in that vein?
    • I don’t care. The name rules.

b. There are not 2 "N"s in Lunduke!
- Yes, but if it only has one “N”, folks will be pronouncing it “Loonix”, and we can’t have that.

III. The woke mob will send a veritable ICBM of rage at a project with such a name!
- Free marketing, suckers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Am I missing something?

Much love,

  • Sir Bapkins
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First thing I think of is Flummoxed…
I do like the free advertizing…
Would they connect it to Lunduke though??
Just my penny due to inflation… :slight_smile:

It’s not bad, but I still think “Buttercup OS” is the best name.


Isn’t LCOS the permanent name?

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Why don’t we build it a Buttercup baby! :slight_smile:
Reminds me of that song!

Feels like a working title to me

@nullman I like Buttercup too, but I think we might get some push back if we use that. Buttercup is a password manager.

I prefer to just shorten it to “Lunduke OS” for the free advertising. :rofl:

The name has been decided. Lunduke Computer Operating System.

Trust me there was a lot of back and forth on the name, specifically to avoid using an actual proper name. Alas, LCOS it is.

Right now we are working on onboarding and the division of labor.

Not a working title at all. That is the actual, full, official, public name for it. Time to embrace:

The Lunduke Computer Operating System”.


I’ll respect the official name. But I can also try to talk the community into a casual nickname :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

we can call it Ruprecht.

Oh! Kla! Homa! Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!

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I’m actually more inclined to use the full name, “The Lunduke Computer Operating System” (or sometimes using “OS” at the end instead of “Operating System”). I kinda even prefer it to “LCOS”. Several reasons:

  1. It’s the official name, and it sounds like a lot of time and effort went into picking a name that was unique and not already taken and all that jazz. that also tells me it’s what Lunduke wanted; if I created my own distro and the community renamed it… I mean it’s freed software so they can do that, but… there’s just something “not cool” about doing that.
  2. It’s got “Lunduke” in it - that “ICBM of rage” is probably already on its way. :rofl:
  3. It’s got “Computer” in it - which is both retro-sounding and straight to the point of what we’re doing here (and what we’re not doing here). It’s about building an awesome OS for our computers. :smiley: :computer:
  4. Also… “Lunduke OS” is a different thing entirely. It’s a hobby project of Lunduke’s, not a big deal like this project. It has changed direction about as many times as my little “OS”, but last time I heard it was a desktop on top of DOS… he’s actually done a handful of articles and stuff about it. I do think “Lunduke OS” sounds a little bit better, but by us sticking to Lunduke Computer OS or LCOS, we’re also differentiating the just-for-funzos retro project from the Linux distro.
  5. Oh, and that logo is excellent! Hands-down the coolest Linux distro logo I’ve ever seen.

btw… LCOS to me is so close to LOCOS that I kinda can’t look at it without laughing. I feel like it deserves a SuperTuxKart character, “el pingüino loco” or something. :rofl:


May I gooo to the batthhhroooom? …


So, yeah, Ruprecht the Monkey Boy needs to be the code name for the initial release.


….as you wish…. [if you get it, you lived well in the 1980s]

And if you don’t get “…as you wish…”, then run (don’t walk) and stream The Princess Bride. That movie and Airplane are must must-see’s for that style.

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Just to reitterate:

“Lunduke Computer Operating System” is definitely the official name. That’s it. It’s set in stone. :wink:

But we will need to have fun code names for each release.

Having a theme around them might be fun. Open to suggestions.

Ruprecht the Monkey Boy is always in the running. :wink:


You need to call the first version Lunduke Computer Operating System, version 1.0: My Name Is Inigo Montoya. Version 2.0, You Killed My Father. Version 3.0, Prepare the Die!

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